Nobody can top Kate Walsh's glasses wearing ability; however, there a few people who come close.
Angela Lansbury looking mighty fine in Nanny McPhee. If glasses are attached to a stick, automatic hotness increased two-fold.
Sawyer from Lost doesn't need glasses to look hot, but still. +10 hot points for having bad eyes. Just fuck Jack already, Sawyer. Get it over with. You can cut the sexual tension with one of Locke's very sharp knives.
Bill Haverchuck from Freaks and Geeks dressed up like the Bionic Woman. I mean, enough said.
Another Bill one. Mmmmmmmmm.
Estelle Getty (Sophia from Golden Girls). Do I even have to explain this one?
The number of hot glasses pics is too large to count. Be warned: this is only a small sample of the hotness.
I love that your Bill Haverchuck was the Bionic Woman pic (one of my favorite eps, by the way). "No, these are not bionic. These are all me."
Also, I wear glasses! Where am I on the Hot List?!?
Angela Lansbury will be hott until the day she dies at 105.
Since I see pretty well I have a pair of glasses that I don't really need (i think I proably could have bought them at Marc's) but wear to certian meetings and interviews to look smart. Now I realize that I can also look sexy in them.
watch out Panhell.
This post was hott enough to begin with, but the mentioning of the Bionic Woman means I'm going to be all hot and bothered for days to come.
Wait, what?
bill haverchuck <3
i'm going to steal him from meg.
also, i'm thinking of taking a poll:
should i start wearing my glasses again?
Kyle I love you for mentioning the Bionic Woman thing from Freaks and Geeks. Being one of the best shows ever, anything related to The Bionic Woman is automatically the best thing ever.
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