Thursday, March 1, 2007

A Brief Explanation

Can we talk for a minute about life?

Life is bland, life is boring, but life is also fun. Life is whatever we want to make it. We can sit around watching television shows and talking online all day long (read: me), study incessantly in hopes of getting a good GPA, or just get drunk and follow the other Matt Horn around Uptown every night. Regardless, life is pretty much same-old, same-old most days. Not that that's a bad thing -- I don't think I would enjoy my life as much of there were constant dramatic tragedies taking place.

Anyway, this leads me to my point, which is that in lieu of actually having dramatic tragedies in life, I prefer to live on vicariously through others' trauma. More specifically, television shows. Yes, I am still very much in touch with reality (at least, I think so), but for some reason I enjoy musing about the possibility of an alternate reality where all my favorite TV show characters are real and have a continuing presence in my life. I know what you're thinking. Shut up. Everybody daydreams. Maybe not about the possibility of hooking up with Sandra Oh on a gurney at Seattle Grace, but everyone daydreams.

I was going to write a lengthy post about my idea of the perfect day (featuring all my favorite people, real, made-up, and from TV), but I decided that I should just offer a brief explanation of my sometimes-borderline-psychotic behavior instead. I feel I owe that much to my friends, who are constantly forced to put up with Kyle and I creaming our pants about Callisto, imitating Bailey's orders to the interns, discussing the merits of "Dr. Jack Shepard x Dr. Derek Shepard OTP," and throwing imaginary chakrams around the dance floor at parties.

Now that I've paused for a brief but important grounding in reality, you can all rest assured that Kyle and I aren't nearly as insane as you might think from listening to us.

Okay, so we are, but we're harmless. I think.

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