Friday, March 23, 2007

Because we love horrible fashion...

Yes, the Rift is as strong as ever. It grows with every passing day. Sometimes I catch myself narrowing my eyes at Matt and plotting his demise.

However, like any good television series needs a good non-major story arc episode every now and again, this blog needs an episodic blog. What does that mean? IT MEANS FASHION, GURLS!! :: throws left arm into air, puts right hand on hip, mass amounts of glitter falls from the sky, Witch Doctor remix plays::

Come on now. Who doesn't love this fashion staple? Moms and non-Moms alike can wear this denim and have fun doing it! Whether you are out on the town with your hubbie at the newly opened Ponderosa down the street or just lounging around with your kids watching that new VHS tape you rented, mom jeans are perfect for any occasion! Dress them up with a bulky, tweed jacket with a floral printed, shoulder padded blouse or go with the casual printed vest over a pale yellow or pink long tee. You can never go wrong with the mom jean! Check out this video for some other great mom jean fashions!

Nothing says "I'm still pissed off about that damn war and I want everybody to know it" more than a vintage Confederate flag tee! Want to show everybody you're a Rebel and you mean it? Feel that your racism isn't racist enough? Or do you just feel that the South really won the War of Northern Aggression? If you answer yes to any or all of these questions, this shirt is for you! Accessorize with your favorite faded jean short, a pack of cheap ciggies, and mullet! This outfit will have all the girls (white girls, that is) jumping all over you!


Don't forget! The Easter holiday is almost upon us! That means big hats, spring colors, and little white gloves! You don't want your kid to look like a hoodlum on Easter, do you? No, of course you don't! That's why you have to make your child look as best as possible. Remember: the more lace, the better. The more pink, the better. The bigger the hat, the better. You have free reign with Easter outfits! Just make sure you stick to the lovely color palette of pale pinks, yellows, and blues. Oh, and don't forget white!!! Such a lovely color. Also, have fun with the outfits! Set aside an arts and crafts day in which you and your daughter can decorate a plain hat into a masterpiece! Buy large plastic flower and maybe even small, stuffed bunnies and chicks! It's fun and also a good bonding opportunity! Your little Flower will love flowers all over her hat! CAUTION: Don't let the kiddies play with the glue gun. Do that part yourself. Also, if the hat turns out bad (which usually happens with kids' art projects) just throw it out. Tell your child that the Easter bunny took it!!!

Oh, one last thing! Don't forget the white, lace gloves!! They sell out fast! You don't want your daughter to be the only girl at church without white gloves!!! (What a fashion faux pas!).

That's it for now! Remember to buy those white pant suits!

Love Always,

Sunset Blush


_Theresa said...

oh mr. blush all I ever need to know is on this blog.
just saying

Dustin Meadows! said...

I think a Confederate Flag tee is only appropriate if it's the Southern Cross on a completely orange background...Not that I love the south or hate blacks or anything it's just...Um...Oh, hey gurl!

Anonymous said...

i wish that i had some picts on here of me when i was a child and my mother made me wear such easter outfits. the weird thing is she's still doing it, this year she bought me a white lacey, tiered dress with giant fake flowers attached to the waistband, pale pink gloves, and a giat blossom-esque hat with once again pink fake flowers. dont tell her but i think i look stellar in it.

Matt said...

"::throws left arm into air, puts right hand on hip, mass amounts of glitter falls from the sky, Witch Doctor remix plays::"

Quite possible the most hilarious thing ever. Also, it conjures a very vivid mental image. Almost too vivid...

::narrows eyes::

emily said...

Now, for my friend Libby's eighth birthday, her mom bought a bunch of straw hats and let everyone decorate their own. Being the little shit that I was, I thought that my hat looked a lot better than all of the other girls' gaudy creations. Even as a seven year old, I was a total snob.

Remind me next time I'm home to dig through the vaults to find a picture of me wearing the hat.

Also, I'm pretty sure I still have the hat. I think it's in the top of my closet--I used to play with it a lot.

emily said...

Also, imagine the little girl in the picture with thicker glasses, and possibly an eye patch. That's what I used to look like ever Easter.

Stephen L. Hildreth said...

Kyle and Matt,

Reading this blog is such a paradox. I'm both baffled at the originality and laughing so much a little bit of pee comes out. Just a little, but it's still quite an accomplishment.

Stephen L. Hildreth said...

I almost forgot my signature on that comment.

Your friend in Christo,

Stephen L.