Friday, March 2, 2007

The Epistemology Of The Crossover

The crossover. Probably the best thing EVER.

What is a crossover? A crossover is anything dealing with two or more things. Usually these "things" are elements of entertainment or popular culture. A common example of a typical crossover would be the Buffy/Angel crossover or Xena/Hercules crossover. These involve story lines and/or characters going from one show to the next. For example, the Season Four episode of Buffy, "Pangs," is a crossover with the Angel Season One episode, " I Will Remember You." "Pangs" features Angel going to Sunnydale to help Buffy, and "I Will Remember You" deals with Buffy going after Angel in L.A. There you have it. A typical crossover.

However, some crossovers, which I will call "Hott Crossovers" feature a crossing over of characters, plots, and situations that do not go with the universe in which they are being crossed. These Hott Crossovers manifest themselves in fanfiction, fanvids, and homosexual college males obsessed with multiple television shows, films, and bands. Examples? A Buffy/Xena Crossover fanfic, a Grey's Anatomy/Lost crossover, or even an ABBA/Veronica Mars crossover.

Now that you know about these crossovers, I would like to give you some concrete examples to aid you in understanding the hottness of them:

Here is a Buffy/ABBA crossover fanvid. Hott.

Here is a Xena/ABBA crossover fanvid.

Okay, here is another HOTT crossover: Grey's Anatomy/Lost . Meredith x Jack = OTP.

Hmmmmm. I found another gem. Veronica Mars/ Harry Potter Crossover!!!! Oh, even better, the song is Angel of Mine.

Hahahah. A Lost/Firefly one.

And finally, an extra hott Grease/ High School Musical Crossover

We love crossovers. We also love fanvids. Check out for crossover fanfics!


emily said...

1. Is there a large population of Xena/Buffy/ABBA enthusiasts?

2. Are the homosexual tones between Xena and Gabrielle usually that strong?

3. These are pretty well done. I was a little disappointed by the Grease/HMS one, though.

Anonymous said...

this doesn't have anything to do with crossovers, but bill albertini get in me.