Friday, March 9, 2007

Sunset Blush Presents...

What would a blog be without a fashion column? Well honey, I'm here to give you just that. Of course, this isn't just an ordinary fashion column -- this is a HOTT FASHION BLOG. What's a hott fashion blog? Basically, it's a blog dealing with the hottest fashion trends and celeb styles. So guuuuurls, strap on those arm warmers and quilted skirts and let Sunset Blush take you on a fashion journey.


The pant suit. A staple in any woman's closet. Why don't more women wear these hott articles of clothing? Could it be the horrible stigma attached to these ensembles? Probably. But honey childs, you gotta wear these. Don't worry, nobody will think you're a lesbian... Just don't wear them with tennis shoes. Then you really do like vag.
Unsure about which shoes to wear? Just go barefoot. Check out Melissa Etheridge with her wife Tammy Lynn below. That's a definite fashion DO. HEY GURL. Unsure about the color you should choose? Don't be. Always go with white. White white white. White pant suits are sophisticated and HOTT. Trust me. I know. Or you can go with gray, but I recommend always white.
Check out Ellen DeGeneres in her white pant suit with tennis shoes. It takes a real woman to pull that off.

Rosie's wife Kelly only pulls off the gray pant suit because it has the collar popped out. Tres chic!

Melissa looks the best in her all-white pant suit with bare feet. Every woman should go with this look! I mean, honeys, check out the extra long sleeve on that suit. That's so in right now!


What is better than expressing your love for prints? Nothing, actually. Well, except white pant suits. Here's a tip, ladies: Don't be afraid of prints. If you love flowers -- wear flowers!! If you love horses -- wear horses!! Nothing expresses one's personality more than prints! 2007 is all about prints, prints, prints. Remember: Nothing says fashion like costume jewelry, so dress up those prints with costume jewelry! Check out these fine ladies expressing their individual personalities!

Dolly Parton indicates that she really is a jungle woman! Her leopard print shows that she has had much experience in the jungle where she grew up! No wonder she likes prints so much!

Jessica Tandy of the hott film Driving Miss Daisy sports a flower printed jacket. Obviously, Miss Tandy must love gardening! The only thing to make Jessica's ensemble better would be a nice, large, gaudy necklace.

Of course, Miss Tori Spelling is channeling the Patchwork Girl in her multi-colored day dress. Perhaps this dress is an expression of her patchy childhood, or maybe Tori Spelling actually likes quilting! Who knows? But she looks like a true fashionesta!!

That's my column for today, readers. I hope you enjoyed it. Of course, I'll be back soon with more fashion do's and don'ts. Just remember... Fashion is an expression of your womanhood! So gurrrrls, you better work!

Love always,

Sunset Blush
[Note: Originally written by Kyle. Posted by Matt due to X-Treme Formatting Issues.]


Dustin Meadows! said...

As much as I hate to lend credibility to the sheer ridiculousness of these wardrobe choices, Dolly Parton actually does look really damn good in that jungle print number.

Anonymous said...

gurlll you know your shit!

emily said...

i suggest that you do an entry about workout fashion.