Saturday, March 10, 2007

To Whom It May Concern

To Whom It May Concern (read - Dustin, Theresa) :

It has come to my attention that the two of you have links to our blog on your respective blogs. This is a practice that I will always encourage, as the world needs to be known of our amazingness. Kudos on that.

However, both of you have Kyle's name listed before mine in the name of the link itself. This is unacceptable. It is an undisputed fact that I am the Xena of the duo, and he is the Gabrielle. I mean, for one, he has blonde hair. Secondly, he is a bard and I am a warrior. And most importantly, he's younger than me, and Gabrielle is younger than Xena. Clearly I am the Xena, and therefore the alpha male, and therefore my name should come first.

I'd appreciate it if you could all change your blog links immediately. This is of the UTMOST importance. We can't have people assuming anything that shouldn't be assumed.


- Matt


Dustin Meadows! said...

Um, don't flatter yourself, o yodeling thrower of chakrams! Kyle's name starts with a K which comes before M (the first letter in the name Matt!), and I like to organize everything by alphabetical order. Also on that note, even if I were to list you as Xena and Gabrielle, Kyle still wins as Gabrielle starts with a G which comes before X (the first letter in the name Xena!), so suck it up and deal you chakram throwing, ambiguous lesbian!

Also, bard starts with a B which comes before W (the first letter in the word warrior!).

_Theresa said...

i did not mean to offend but i think if i changed things now we would be in a whole world of trouble.
to solve the whole mess i think i will just invent two new names to stand in for your real names and nobody but myself will ever know who Cashel is and who Ronan is.
And yes I did name you after Daniel Day Lews's children.