Sunday, March 4, 2007

Spring Break 1

It's Spring Break in sunny Bowling Green, and Kyle and I are quite possibly the only people left in town. "The streets are bare and everywhere the trees are full of strangers..." Wait, that's not right. Oh well, nobody probably got the Les Miserables reference anyway.

I figured I'd start out the Spring Break 2K7 spirit on this blog by offering up a brief summary of what Kyle and I accomplished over Winter Break 2K6/2K7. Call it what you will. I call it fun.

One late December evening, I looked out the window and realized that the world had been enveloped by a thick shroud of Silent Hill-esque fog. Being the inquisitive young men that we are, Kyle and I decided to wander out into the night to experiment with how digital cameras react to the presence of fog. (Or, I wanted an excuse to act stupid in the middle of nowhere.) Observe the results:

Clearly this whole "taking pictures in the fog at night" thing was the smartest idea anyone's come up with to date. I find the bottom picture disturbing. You can see Kyle looking like he's ready to kill something, if you squint your eyes and use your imagination.

As Winter Break dragged along, Kyle and I became desperate for new and exciting activities. Playing with Barbie dolls seemed like a good idea at the time:

In hindsight, I suppose I should have figured that we would end up dismembering at least one of the dolls and posing them both in strange positions around the incredibly ugly "gay Shakespeare" statuette I got for Christmas from my grandfather. And no, don't ask me why I had Barbie dolls lying around my apartment. I don't have an explanation for you.

Later on, Kyle exercised his arts-and-crafts know-how by connecting the naked, dismembered torsos of the two Barbies together with a severed arm, tying their hair together into a multicolored bun, inverting their plastic breasts, and calling them Siamese twins with an unfortunate pectoral birth defect. Additionally, their dresses made nice cozees for the Zima we imbibed a few weeks later while scrapbooking. Unfortunately, we didn't take any photos of those excellent events for posterity's sake.

But I did manage to snap one of Kyle looking gorgeous after affixing all of the Barbie hair clips to his own shaggy mane:

Other events of Winter Break included walking the trails near the Wood County Historical Society while pretending to be Amazons, conjuring countless numbers of genuinely terrifying inside jokes, and watching immense quantities of Angel.

I'm sure that Spring Break 2K7 will hold some amusing activities, all of which will be described here in great length, for anyone wondering what kinds of sinister, malevolent things we occupy ourselves with when nobody else is around.

1 comment:

emily said...

"when nobody else is around"


I'll admit that I'm a little jealous. I'm bored out of my mind, and I've been home for 24 hours.