Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Xena DVDs, The Rift, Evening Strolls, Diners

All of these women are poised to attack the U.S. Postal Service if my DVDs don't arrive today.

A terrible halt in Kyle and I's TV-watching habits has occurred this week, due to the failure of the Xena DVDs I ordered from to arrive in any timely fashion. I've been complaining about it for quite awhile now, as you all already know. But seriously, folks, this is a matter of utmost importance. I need my Xena! I need my musical eppie! I need my Rift!

Speaking of The Rift, it has grown to phenomenal proportions with Kyle and I. It's kind of like the Cold War. We both have nuclear missiles aimed at each other, but each of us is biding his time, waiting for the opponent to make one false move so that he can be obliterated. It's dangerous stuff, but no real friendship is ever complete without a Rift (capital R). It's kind of like a rite of passage. We'll either get through it alive and become BFFs, or we'll simply destroy each other in epic battle. Let's wait and see.

A few nights ago Kyle and I took a walk for no reason. I felt like an old married couple. We talked about how the house I'll one day purchase will feature a rocking implement for every piece of furniture. I'm going to have rocking chairs, rocking couches, rocking beds, rocking toilets, rocking dinner tables, porch swings everywhere... It's going to be nuts. Also, plans were made to go to the creepy downtown diner at some point before the end of the semester. I hope they let me smoke in there. That way I can be just like Lydia Trisha Beauregard. And what could be better than that?

I have to go pick up Kyle from work now. What a needy little betch. I leave you all with one of the pictures I found today when I Googled "Xena and Gabrielle":


Dustin Meadows! said...

OMG, you used my idea!

Also, I remember our Rift...The battle of Kreischer-Ashley 111! Except we were armed with Norma Jean and J-pop!

Kyle said...


_Theresa said...

I picture many people falling out of and or throwing up in bed after a night of partying in your rocking house (Oh wow Pun!).
Just a warning.
But I still want to vist.

That picture reminds me of a naked ladies version of

emily said...

These nuclear weapons you speak of...are they just embarrassing nuggets you both know about each other? If so, I am going to enjoy this arms race. ^__^

oh. my. gosh. I just made a "^__^". I'm so embarrassed.

Also, I am holding Mureil's Wedding captive until you guys come over and watch it. Don't tell me that I can just watch it alone. That would make me sad. (And want to listen to ABBA and sulk about how I can't seem to land a man.)