Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mark 3:25

Things are getting ridiculous as of late. I feel like I've been stripped of my officer's rank and thrown into the ocean, forced to attach my seal of approval to blog posts about the endless joy of infants. Suffice it to say, I don't get any psychotic amount of joy out of staring at babies, and it shames me that my name has been inadvertantly attached to such tomfoolery.

I think that Kyle may be plotting against me. Sometimes I catch him staring at me out of the corner of his eye when we're watching Angel, a malevolent grin just barely visible on his shadowed face. I know he's up to something.

It's only going to be a matter of time before he makes his move against me. But no, I will not play his game, and I will not relinquish sovereign power of this blog and this friendship. It's true, more binds us together than separates us, but great gulfs exist in the cracks. For example, I don't like the new season of Veronica Mars. And Kyle doesn't even like Final Fantasy, and he's managed to beat me at Heroes of Might and Magic. And so the rift deepens.

As I type this entry, I narrow my eyes out the window, across the railroad tracks, to the apartment complex that this friend of mine calls his home. No, not a friend, a usurper of my rights and human dignities! It's time to set my plan into motion. I have to make my move first. Act, not react. If it comes down to a deadly, epic battle to the finish, that's what it'll have to be. I can't afford to engage in any prolonged power struggles now. Not when I'm so close to realizing my plan of world domination. I make my finishing move tonight.


Kyle said...

It's common knowledge that EVERYBODY loves babies, Matt. Also, when have I ever looked over at you while watching Angel?

...maybe once, but I do all my evil plotting when I am NOT watching Angel. Why would I spend Angel time on that?!


I can only be cured by a musical.

emily said...

"deadly, epic battle"? really, matt? you two will end up slapping eachother.

_Theresa said...

no here's what you do- you go down up to toledo, find some guy leaning by his trunk and ask to see some guns. you then buy two of those said guns and chalenge eachother to a duel- at dawn- in a cornfield.

that's how i would handle it...

Dustin Meadows! said...

...This never would've happened in Besaid.

Anonymous said...

this blog certainly has taken an omenous turn...

Anonymous said...

well, omenous/queer catfight-ish.

P.S. How do you spell omenous?

Dustin Meadows! said...

Ominous. That's how you spell it. Also, we should sell tickets to it...Hm, catchy title, catchy title...