Wednesday, April 25, 2007
You know what is amazing? Talking cats.
Well, I could always get my dog to talk:
Oh man. Pictures of cats with captions. Hilarious. Animals are just the best things ever:
Also, this made me laugh pretty hard:
Friday, April 13, 2007
Random Pictures
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
That being said, I love Final Fantasy. I grew up on it. No, really, I did. For anybody who doesn't know, FF is a series of mildly dorky RPGs (role-playing games) for the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, PlayStation, etc. These games are amazing and awesome in every way and everybody should play them, all the time.
If you don't see the inherent hotness in a seven-foot-tall rabbit/woman wielding a bow named Fran, I'm not really sure that I can be friends with you anymore.
Fran has been my constant companion as I've trudged through my homework over the past few weeks. Due to my recent losses of old pals Xena (due to the failure of my DVDs to arrive) and Kyle (because why would we hang out if we weren't watching Xena?), me and Fran have grown exponentially closer. I've guided her through the sewers of Rabanastre and across the Giza Plains. Fran is there for me when I need solace from the vicious lifestyle of college. Fran is everything to me!!!!
That having been said, I'm going to go play some more Final Fantasy XII (in which Fran is featured). Who knows what insane adventures we'll be up to today?!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Look what I found
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Every boy and every girl need to watch this bloody movie
I'm pretty sure this film defines camp. Kyle loves camp. Therefore, Kyle loves this film. I'm not sure if Matt likes this film, but whatever.
I mean, aliens visit the Spice Girls.
This movie is on my list of films I need to buy. It's just too good not to own it.
Here is just a short clip:
"My mummy's my best friend. Shhhh" So fucking hot.
What made me think about this movie? No idea.
(48 hour screenings were yesterday. Our film is not on YouTube yet, but we'll post it ASAP)
Saturday, March 31, 2007
48 Hours!
We'll post the results of our endeavor on this blog as soon as they get uploaded to YouTube. Stay tuned!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Glasses. I mean, they're hott.

Nobody can top Kate Walsh's glasses wearing ability; however, there a few people who come close.
Angela Lansbury looking mighty fine in Nanny McPhee. If glasses are attached to a stick, automatic hotness increased two-fold.
Sawyer from Lost doesn't need glasses to look hot, but still. +10 hot points for having bad eyes. Just fuck Jack already, Sawyer. Get it over with. You can cut the sexual tension with one of Locke's very sharp knives.
Bill Haverchuck from Freaks and Geeks dressed up like the Bionic Woman. I mean, enough said.
Another Bill one. Mmmmmmmmm.
Estelle Getty (Sophia from Golden Girls). Do I even have to explain this one?
The number of hot glasses pics is too large to count. Be warned: this is only a small sample of the hotness.