That being said, I love Final Fantasy. I grew up on it. No, really, I did. For anybody who doesn't know, FF is a series of mildly dorky RPGs (role-playing games) for the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, PlayStation, etc. These games are amazing and awesome in every way and everybody should play them, all the time.
If you don't see the inherent hotness in a seven-foot-tall rabbit/woman wielding a bow named Fran, I'm not really sure that I can be friends with you anymore.
Fran has been my constant companion as I've trudged through my homework over the past few weeks. Due to my recent losses of old pals Xena (due to the failure of my DVDs to arrive) and Kyle (because why would we hang out if we weren't watching Xena?), me and Fran have grown exponentially closer. I've guided her through the sewers of Rabanastre and across the Giza Plains. Fran is there for me when I need solace from the vicious lifestyle of college. Fran is everything to me!!!!
That having been said, I'm going to go play some more Final Fantasy XII (in which Fran is featured). Who knows what insane adventures we'll be up to today?!
"For anybody who doesn't know, FF is a series of mildly dorky RPGs (role-playing games) for the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, PlayStation, etc"....midly dorky matt. now i have seen this and i would say that it is actually max dorky.
Ditto to the inherent dorkiness.
Also, I hope you gave that a-hole from the worst rating ever!
Also also...In Besaid, you'd already be dead.
Oh god you had to post a picture of Fran... and I'm forced to remember the hotness of guiding her around Rabanastre with the camera focused on her very visible ass.
I'll be right back, I think I need to change my jeans.
I do believe I have the FF fight theme song imbedded into my brain!
Great page! I'm linking it! ;)
Well written article.
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