Wednesday, February 28, 2007

These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

Solely for the purposes of our own amusement, Kyle and I have decided to start a blog together as a means to communicate our undying love for a wide variety of strange, creepy, and altogether amazing things. We took our cue from the excellent blog "These Girls Are Crafty!", featuring everyone's favorite domestic housewives in training, Emily and Candice. If they're going to blog endlessly about arts and crafts, we view that as a carte blanche to blog about Grey's Anatomy and Billie Myers.

Kyle is likely to post something ridiculous tomorrow morning from work, but I figure I'll start this thing off right by briefly describing three of our favorite things in life.

1. Xena: Warrior Princess.

Obviously, Xena is the mother of all bad-asses, a strong woman with the ability to fell entire armies with one throw of the chakram (that's the round killing thing she's holding in her hand above). This is my absolute favorite television vixen of all time, although Kyle loves her dearly as well. With her trusty sidekick (and possibly lover?) Gabrielle, Xena wanders around a ridiculously demented version of ancient Greece, seeking to right wrongs and triumph over evil after turning from her own dark ways. In other words -- fucking hot.

2. Buffy The Vampire Slayer.

Xena is to Matt as Buffy is to Kyle. We both went through our formative years obsessively watching these little bitches kick ass on-screen, and now we comfortably live in a fantasy world dominated by vampires and warlords. Although I personally think Xena would win in a fight over Buffy any day, the Vampire Slayer shows a lot of potential, although she is kind of a bitch. I'll let Kyle say good things about her, because I like all the other characters on the show better. I picked the picture above because of the presence of Giles in it. Ooh, Anthony Stewart Head, get the fuck in me.

3. Musicals.

Lately we have really been into musicals. Musicals, musicals, musicals. I can't get enough of musicals. There is something inherently amazing about an alternate reality where people randomly burst into song and dance and it's considered acceptable. Anybody who doesn't have at least some kind of soft spot for musicals is denying themselves one of the greatest pleasures in life itself. Some of my favorite musicals include Jesus Christ Superstar, Little Shop of Horrors, The Last 5 Years, Into The Woods, Tommy, Seussical: The Musical, Les Miserables, and Avenue Q. The picture above is a particularly hot shot from Mamma Mia!, a Broadway musical entirely based around songs from ABBA. If you think that the combination of musicals and ABBA is enough to make me want to have sex with anyone at any time, you'd be right.

That's all for now, because I have an exam in the morning. But I'm sure there will be more creepiness abounding on this blog quite soon.


emily said...

"now we comfortably live in a fantasy world dominated by vampires and warlords"

I think you have a problem.

Also, the difference between the craft blog and the creepy blog is that there are LOTS of craft blogs...blogs made by weird college kids just writing about their bizarre obsessions? I've only seen this one.

emily said...

I do love musicals, though.

_Theresa said...

2 out of 3 things on this list are als my obsessions.

for five years my tuesday nights REVOLVED around buffy and all of her witty puns and ass-kicky-ness.

and for about 10 years my stero has been playing some sort of musical.

how's this for a mind blower


_Theresa said...

oh oh there's this one too